Why Eating Well Isn't Just Good for Your Health

Un amigo mío me dijo hace poco una historia acerca de una experiencia que tuvo en la escuela secundaria donde su clase utiliza un restaurante de comida rápida popular como un estudio de caso del medio ambiente. Alentado por su profesor, she was one of several students who made a protest at a nearby restaurant by asking for their hamburgers to be served on paper napkins instead of in the Styrofoam clam-shell container that was still being used at that time. They were accompanied by a reporter, and the story made quite an impact, appearing in newspapers and on local television. It made a cute human-interest story, and the fast food chain actually discontinued use of the Styrofoam clam-shells shortly thereafter. Her entire class all felt very proud of themselves, but what seemed like enough then now just feels like the tip of the iceberg.

Fast food is still a long way away from being part of a healthy diet, and certainly a long way away from being environmentally friendly. A truly healthy diet is one that is abundant in whole foods; fruits, vegetables, grains, and foods that have not been processed. As Jillian Michaels has said, “If it didn’t come from the ground, and it didn’t have a mother, DON’T EAT IT.” I.e. It’s not a “real” food. This concept isn’t new. It’s part of the “clean eating” movement to eat actual food, not Frankenfood.

As we become more interested in our health, we move towards:

  1. Less packaged food, eventually eliminating most (if not all) food that comes in packages.
  2. Fewer preservatives & productos químicos, choosing whole foods that have not been tampered with.
  3. Increased inclination towards local & alimentos orgánicos.
  4. Less meat and fish, which is unsustainable at the current rates of consumption.

The food we eat determines not only how healthy we are, but also makes up a good part of our global footprint. As consumers, our daily food decisions give us great power to shape the way we produce, process, transport, and use food. The choices we make for our diet can promote healthier people, more secure food supplies, and thriving communities. It’s all about fostering a system that nurtures sustainability.

When making food choices, choosing lots of locally grown in-season produce, consuming less meat and packaged foods, and buying more organic products, we can reduce the negative effect on the environment by as much as 27 percent.

There are so many reasons to eat a healthy diet, and the environment is another positive that you can add to your list. It’s doubly gratifying; you’ll be nourishing your body and reducing your global impact all in one fell swoop. It just makes sense.


Jennie LyonJennie Lyon es un estilo de vida verde escritor y el dueño de Sweet Verdes, el galardonado estilo de vida el blog verde. Ella puestos en sencilla, formas divertidas familias pueden ir verde juntos - a partir de su propia. Cuando no es el blogging, usted encontrará su paddleboarding, navegación, playa de peinado, campamento, o pasar tiempo con su increíble esposo y su hijo de 14 años de edad.

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