interviewWir haben viel in den letzten sprachen 27 Wochen darum, Produktauswahl, die natürlich und wirkungsvoll sind. Eines, was ich persönlich liebe zu The Keeper Inc. ist, dass wir die Frauen gedeihen zu sehen und sich gegenseitig unterstützen wollen,. Wir wollen ermächtigen Sie Entscheidungen über Ihr Leben, dein Körper, and what you use! I’ve been trying to find women owned businesses who also fit that model and have them give us some information.

Today I am excited to introduce you to Christina from Sacred Grove Botanics and Wellness. Christina is a mama who is passionate, knowledgeable, and fun and building a natural wellness company. She has been a source of information, encouragement and support for me personally and I think you’ll enjoy meeting her today!! She’s got lots of good information for us. For more information about Christina’s business check out her Kickstarter campaign hier.

My challenge for you this week is to find a couple small businesses that you love and tell them thank you for the impact they’ve had on your life and in your community!

Christina’s business helps me to reach my full potential and encourages me on my journey towards a healthier life! This is my way of thanking her and this week I hope you’ll all do the same- send them an email, drop them a note, say thanks in person or post on their Facebook wall. A little bit of gratitude and support goes a LONG way in a small business- it’s not an easy job!



1- Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you wanted to start Sacred Grove?

I am a work-at-home mother with two amazing littles in my home. I have a varied background in many things, so I thought that I could almost certainly be creative enough to make a way to earn some additional income while utilizing my skills and doing something I love, all without compromising my desire and need to be there for my children (not to mention *not* having to pay for childcare). This is why I decided to start Sacred Grove Botanics. It’s a perfect blend of these things!


2- Why do you think it’s important to use natural body products?


It is important, SO important to use natural body products because the body is the vessel for our spirit/soul/being/everything while we are here on Earth, and we need to take the best care of it possible! One of the fastest ways to the bloodstream is through the skin, so it is vital to be mindful of what goes on it. Skin and body products are so often at the bottom of the priority list when we are making purchases for our family that are high-quality, because it is misunderstood just how heavy the impact of toxins in mass produced, chemical-laden products can be. When you think about not just having these toxins on the surface, but actually allowing them into your body, I think most people agree that they would prefer high-quality, natural products.


3- Was ist Ihre Lieblings-Produkt?

My favorite product would have to be my Baby Bum Balm. It has saved many a red baby bum, to which many of my friends with babies can attest, but it has also saved the day in my own house for any number of random issues! I use it as an all-purpose owie balm when it is the closest thing to reach, I have used it for chafing problems, rashes, you name it! It is almost magical in my household!



4- Was ist Ihr Lieblingszitat, Musiktitel oder eine Phrase, die Sie hoffen, Frauen zu stärken?


I think my favorite quote right now is something a good friend said just the other day in a perfect way: “Don’t should all over yourself.I have been telling myself and those I love some form of this for as long as I can remember, because I thinkshouldis a word that can only set you up for disappointment. “Should have…” is the worst, because it implies regret over a choice, even if it was something small. “I should have gone to the store earlier.” Nein, “I didn’t go to the store earlier.It’s simple and factual versus being tinged with regret. Own the choice you made! You are awesome, so your choices are awesome, even if they don’t feel that way! Even sayingI should go to the store later,” “I should drink more water,” “I should work out more,” is setting yourself up to do something with a hint of not wanting to and thus regret if you don’t. Own what you want! “I will go to the store later, unless I run out of time,” “I’m going to try and drink more water,” “I’m going to start working out more, or I won’t, if I don’t have the energy for it!” It’s hard to just be straight and unapologetic for our choices as women, so it takes practice breaking these kinds of mental habits, but it can pay off in a big way. We are awesome, even when we are being are least awesome version of ourselves, and we need to own it (myself included)!


5- Do you have any tips for women who are thinking about starting their own business?
This one is simple: Just go for it! If you have an idea, just run with it. Start running it by your friends and get their input, then start writing down your more complex ideas as it starts fleshing out in your mind. Get a plan together, and if you aren’t the planning type, recruit some help from a friend or family member that is and figure out what your first steps should be and just go! Don’t let an idea feel like it’s too big and too daunting to roll with, because every big idea can start with some small first steps. Steps that anyone can take!


6- Jede andere Tipps oder Worte der Ermutigung Sie mit unseren Lesern teilen möchten?

It can be overwhelming at times to take steps towards a green and natural lifestyle. I know that as a human, woman, and mother, my heart wants to embrace all of it: sustainable living, zero-waste, toxin-free (Lebensmittel, skin products, environments), Bio-Lebensmittel, animal cruelty, factory farming, radiation from any number of thingsMy head starts to spin when I think about tackling it all. My advice is to pick what is most important to you and really commit to those causes. And only start with a handful, then move up from there if there’s room in your life for it. For us, I focus as much as I can on clean eating, toxin-free products and environment, and teaching kindness and mindfulness to my children. I do my best with the rest of it! And that’s key: I do my best, and I try not to say, “I should do better,” because dang it, I’m awesome, my best is awesome, and so is yours!


Thanks to Christina for sharing with us today.

Tell me about the business you want to thank! Lassen Sie mich in den Kommentaren unten wissen, oder mailen Sie mir an


Ãœber den Autor

Olivia lebt in Boulder, Colorado mit ihrem Mann und 4 jährigen Sohn. Sie genießt die Zeit in den Bergen, Studium über ätherische Öle, Naturheilmittel und Kräuter, sowie Upcycling / DIY-Projekte. Olivias Familie machte den Umzug im vergangenen Jahr in Richtung eines Zero Waste Haushalt. Sie haben sich daran gewöhnt, ein Badezimmer bemessen trashcan einen Monat von Müll, sondern hoffen, völlig Zero Waste Ende sein 2015.

So was? Überprüfen Sie heraus den Rest unseres Weniger Abfall und Be Green in 2015 Serie für weitere Tipps!

One Response to Weniger Abfall und Be Green in 2015- Woche 28
  1. Thank you for this; it really gives me something to think about. While I’ve been focused on food & other consumables for my family, I’ve been more dismissive of personal care products, thinking that cheap & easy will do because in some way they feel frivolous. Maybe it’s time to reconsider!


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