Nós cruzamos oficialmente a metade do caminho em nosso desafio "menos lixo e ser ecológico em 2015". Bem-vindo à segunda metade do ano!! Como é o desafio de ir para você até agora? Estou curioso para saber quantas semanas você completou e quais as mudanças que você já viu em sua vida? I hope it’s been a positive journey for you, stick around because I have lots more tips to share!!

This week we’re going to challenge you to have a Zero Waste 4th of July celebration, and summer picnics. Here in Colorado we tend to have almost as many 4th of July celebrations in shorts and a T-shirt as we do bundled up in sweats! Contudo, we love to BBQ no matter the weather! Having a Zero Waste BBQ is even better!

Zero Waste 4th of July and Summer Picnic Tips



* Buy meat directly from the butcher. Many natural grocery stores and butcher shops will place meat into a glass container for you. (Health codes vary by area so if you can’t use your own
container ask about the most minimal packaging possible)

* Use real dishes. Stainless steel is light and easy to pack. Or visit your local outdoors store for light-weight- sometimes even collapsible dishes!
* Be mindful of “compostable” products. These are popping up everywhere- compostable cups, placas, talheres, etc. The catch is that they’re only compostable in the handful of places that industrial composting exists. Many of these products are also manufactured in a super un-sustainable way.
* Shop the farmers market. Get yummy sides from local vendors either packaging free or in your own packaging!
* Compost those corn cobs and watermelon rinds!
* Use old jars for glasses and have a big pitchers of drinks like kombucha, keifer água, água aromatizada, and homemade lemonade.
* Decorate with cloth table clothes or reuse decorations every year
* Leave the fireworks to the pros and avoid excess waste from your own!
* Collect donations at your party for a local homeless shelter or other non-profit.
What are your plans for the 4th of July weekend? I’d love to hear about them and would love to see photos of your celebrations! Deixe-me saber nos comentários abaixo ou envie um email para blog@keeper.com


Certifique-se de introduzir abaixo para ganhar um Keeper LIVRE ou Lua Cup de sua escolha!! Vamos escolher um novo vencedor a cada mês para certificar-se manter a voltar a entrar!


Olivia vive em Boulder, Colorado com o marido e 4 anos filho. Ela gosta de passar o tempo nas montanhas, estudar sobre os óleos essenciais, remédios naturais e ervas, bem como upcycling / projetos DIY. A família de Olivia fez a jogada do ano passado para se tornar uma casa Lixo Zero. Eles ficaram até uma casa de banho dimensionadas Trashcan um mês de lixo, mas espero estar totalmente Zero Waste até o final de 2015.

Assim? Confira o resto da nossa Menos resíduos e ser ecológico em 2015 série para mais dicas!

Regras Giveaway: Giveaway termina julho 31, 2015 às 10h EST. As inscrições serão aceitas até 22:00 EST via o widget Rafflecopter. Vencedor será notificado via e-mail e vencedor será publicado em nossa página de Facebook. Vencedor deve escolher ou um depositário ou uma xícara Lua em qualquer tamanho A ou B tamanho. O vencedor terá uma semana para reivindicar prêmio altura em que um novo vencedor será escolhido.

Giveaway Rafflecopter

4 Responses to Menos resíduos e ser ecológico em 2015- Semana 27
  1. I plan on not buying any fireworks and just enjoying a firework display from local park.

  2. With using cloth diapers my favorite small business would have to be Spray Pal. Their product is so helpful for cleaning off diapers with a sprayer and you get correspondence quickly from the family themselves. I love that it’s so personal with these small businesses.

  3. My family uses reusable Brita bottles that filter the water for us. Another way I can cut back is to invest in unpaper towels.

  4. We’re not camping anytime soon but I hope our first camping trip can be in Yosemite. In order to reduce waste we’ll have reusable water bottles and water pouches filled so no need for plastic bottles and we’ll bring reusable glass containers and reusable snack bags rather than plastic bags for food storage.


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