De eerste dag van de lente is een paar dagen weg. Het leven hier in Colorado is misleidend deze tijd van het jaar. We hebben temperaturen in de jaren '60 en '70 de laatste tijd, bomen zijn ontluikende en bloemen staan ​​in bloei. De lente in de Rockies, echter, betekent SNEEUW! March and April are typically our wettest months of the year and we’re bound to have a big snowstorm here soon. I’ve lived here my whole life and still end up getting tricked by this weather sometimes. While it’s nice out I really love to do a nice deep Spring cleaning (check out deze blog post from last year for some Zero Waste cleaning tips) and then decorate. That way when the snow comes, I remember that it is actually Spring and the 70s will return.
Here are some of my favorite DIY Spring decorations:

  • A dried flower wreath
  • Fairy gardens (check out this tutorial from Divine Lifestyle)
Divine Lifestyle created this cute fairy garden. I just love these for a nice indoor decoration!

Divine Lifestyle created this cute fairy garden. I just love these for a nice indoor decoration!

  • Origami flowers
  • A small wooden box full or pieces of branches, fallen greens, pinecones, etc. They’re a great way to bring some simple decoration and bring outdoors in. (Try to gather items that have already fallen). This also becomes a fun sensory play box for kids.
  • Fresh herbs (try mixing some into a flower bouquet)
  • Try adding a couple new mirrors to help open up a space and bring in light
  • Wind chimes made from old silverware, tin cans, and other metal scraps
  • Eggs~ Did you know you can blow out the inside of an egg? (Here’s a tutorial) Get some beautiful multi-colored eggs from someone locally and use the shells as decorations.
  • Decorate a branch with dried or paper flowers and put in a vase for a modern decoration

What other DIY Spring decoration ideas do you have? Laat het me weten in de comments of me in

~Happy Spring!


Olivia woont in Boulder, Colorado met haar man en 5 jaar oude zoon. Ze geniet van tijd doorbrengen in de bergen, bestuderen over de essentiële oliën, natuurlijke remedies en kruiden, evenals upcycling / DIY projecten. Olivia's familie is bijna volledig Zero Waste en streeft ernaar om te leven met zo weinig invloed op de aarde mogelijk. Ze zijn momenteel downsizing en van plan om te verhuizen naar een klein huisje in 2016.

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