
Es difícil imaginar Día de la Independencia, sin fuegos artificiales, perros calientes, picnics, y todo el tinglado! Sin embargo, ¿has pensado en la cantidad de residuos que se produce cada año en el Día de la Independencia?

There are lots of ways to cut down on waste this 4º of July. Aquí están algunos a considerar e incorporar en sus vacaciones!

  1. Fireworks
    We all picture fireworks when we think of Independence Day – after all, it’s tradition! But some traditions ought to be reconsidered, especially when their remains scatter dioxins and other toxins such as barium, aluminum, and cadmium into our environment. Not only are these chemicals toxic to our environment, they’re also toxic to humans. Research is being done to find a more ecológico, “green” version, but until then, consider skipping the fireworks!
  1. Picnicking
    Everyone loves a good picnic, but when planning for one, there are choices that we can make to reduce waste and our carbon footprintthings like packing reusable dishes and cutlery instead of disposable ones and using propane instead of charcoal for grilling as charcoal uses far more fuel to produce and transport than propane does. When transporting all of those picnic blankets, platos, and utensils, use a reusable bag or designated reusable picnic basket instead of disposable plastic bags!
  1. Hydration
    We all know how horrible plastic water bottles are for the environment, yet last year, the average American used 167 disposable water bottles. Evidence shows that ditching the plastic water bottles can help keep the environment and your wallet green! Don’t like the taste of tap water? Get a water filter! A large percentage of bottled water is produced by Pepsi’s Aquafina or Coca Cola’s Dasani. Both of these companies simply bottle purified tap water anyway.

There are many ways to celebrate our national holidays responsibly, but most importantlyhave fun, stay safe, and be responsible for the waste you produce!


Jennie LyonAcerca de Jennie Lyon

Jennie Lyon es un estilo de vida verde escritor y el dueño de Verdes Dulces, el galardonado estilo de vida el blog verde. Ella puestos en sencilla, formas divertidas familias pueden ir verde juntos - a partir de su propia. Cuando no es el blogging, usted encontrará su paddleboarding, navegación, playa de peinado, campamento, o pasar tiempo con su increíble marido y su hijo de 13 años.

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