Buy 1 Gift 1 Menstrual Cup Program

Keeper and Moon Cup Buy 1 Gift 1 Menstrual Cup Program

THE KEEPER® and MOON CUP® Buy 1 Gift 1 Menstrual Cup Program

We believe in giving back. Our cups represent freedom and choices to us and for women to not rely on big business making a profit off of their bodies, month after month and year after year, and they also represent choices. Options to decide what works best for their body. We also feel strongly that we let our community make the decision about how to give back. We want our community to decide how they want to give back.

Current Buy 1 Gift 1 partners:


  • Groundswell Community Project (promo code: groundswell) – A non-profit organization that offers surf therapy for self-identifying women overcoming various forms of trauma and its effects. Their gifted cups go to the women participating in their surf therapy programs.
  • Edgewood Ministerial Association (promo code: edgewood) is an association of local pastors and ministers in the Edgewood School District in Butler County, Ohio. They collaborate on clothing drives, a food pantry, youth programs, support groups, and as-needed assistance in the area.

How does it work for individuals who want to Buy 1 and Gift 1 menstrual cup?

  1. Select an organization on the list below.
  2. Copy their promo code.
  3. Choose your favorite KEEPER® or MOON CUP® product on this website and add it to your shopping cart.
  4. Paste your selected promo code in the promo code field before completing your purchase.
  5. Your selected organization will be notified of your generous gift!